November 22, 2010 – 1:48 pm
If you doubt about the effectiveness of using that common product to cure acne, then maybe it is time to end your doubts about it. Baking soda for acne treatment is known to be very effective and it has helped a lot of acne sufferers for several years now. Truly, it is a great solution […]
November 10, 2010 – 2:22 am
Acne plagues millions of people. When you suffer from acne and breakouts it can have a negative effect on your confidence. Fortunately there are simple solutions that really work to get rid of acne. Cut back on sugar. There are both good and bad bacteria that live in our bodies. Some bacteria, the kind that […]
November 9, 2010 – 3:39 am
If you have tried lot’s or well know brand name acne creams, without seeing any positive results, you may want to start looking at the cause of your skin problems, to clear up your acne, once and for all. Let’s take a look at some natural acne treatments, and other ways, to clear up your […]
November 6, 2010 – 1:15 am
Whether your skin breaks out rarely – usually at the times you want to look your best – or you have a persistent blemish problem, you can benefit from learning about natural acne treatment. Not surprisingly, this kind of approach is holistic, which means a total body health program. Skin, your largest organ, is a […]
November 4, 2010 – 7:29 am
If you want to know some great ways to prevent acne and want to know a treatment for acne this is the right place to be. There are three main causes of acne. The first one is heightened hormones in adolescent years. This cause of acne is mainly related to enlarged sebaceous glands and bacteria […]
October 19, 2010 – 2:45 pm
Most people think the best way to get rid of stubborn acne is by applying every skin cream they can find under the sun to their face. Well, did you know that they are wrong? Only a small percentage of people who use acne treatment from over the counter products manage to clear their acne… […]
October 12, 2010 – 3:34 pm
Acne can be a really serious devastating skin condition that rivals psoriasis to some people. And the cost to combat this condition can run from hundreds if not thousands on treatments and ointments. And not always the cure can help. What do you do when you have tried it all? Well you do produce a […]
September 21, 2010 – 3:23 pm
Acne is very common skin disease especially among youth between the age of 13 to 25. Acne is commonly formed in sebaceous follicles on the face and upper part of the chest and back. Even if acne normally improves after the age of 20 the problem is as big as the patient feels it – […]
September 18, 2010 – 4:22 pm
There are tons of acne cleansers in the market. However, not all of them are suitable for your skin type and there are some that are not effective at all. Having a good cleanser is part of the regimen to help you cure your acne, so you need to know how to select the best […]
September 16, 2010 – 3:24 pm
There is no doubt that no one would ever want his or her face covered up with acne. Not only is it embarrassing to have them, but they can also be truly painful and awkward. That is why it becomes very crucial finding the right treatment for your acne condition. First thing you need to […]