If you have tried lot’s or well know brand name acne creams, without seeing any positive results, you may want to start looking at the cause of your skin problems, to clear up your acne, once and for all. Let’s take a look at some natural acne treatments, and other ways, to clear up your skin, once and for all.
First of all, lets clear something up. A lot of over the counter acne creams, do not work. Many leading skin experts will tell you this. Acne and blackheads are created inside the skin, not from the outside. Diet and lifestyle has a lot to do with how your skin reacts, and trying to keep your skin clean from the inside, is how you can clear your skin up once and for all.
Fruit is the key to clean and beautiful skin, and i don’t mean eating it. If you have blackheads on your nose or cheeks, a banana skin is great for clearing them up. I know this might sound crazy but it works, and thousands of people have used this home remedy to clear their skin. It’s easy to do. All you have to do, is use the banana skin as a cleansing wipe, and simple wipe the affected area, to clear away the blackheads from your nose.
One more way of clearing away acne is to drink plenty of water. It’s recommended that you drink eight glasses of water a day, to stay healthy. Do not drink 8 glasses at once, just spread it out over the day. If you do not now drink 8 glasses per day, you will see a significant improvement in how your skin clears.
If you have a bad diet, and by this i mean you eat a lot of junk food, and not much fruit and vegetables, then this is something you must look at changing. As with many diets, cutting out a couple of foods can help you lose weight, and it’s the same with acne and blackheads. Many people think that eating pizza and french fries gives you acne, and this may be true, but in your case, it may have no affect at all, but it’s worth giving it a go, to see what the effects are.
I hope you find these simple home remedies for acne and blackheads helpful. I used to use over the counter cream for my acne, without much success. I found that just drinking more clean, fresh water and cutting a couple of bad foods from my diet, really helped me clear up my skin problems.