If you want to know some great ways to prevent acne and want to know a treatment for acne this is the right place to be. There are three main causes of acne. The first one is heightened hormones in adolescent years. This cause of acne is mainly related to enlarged sebaceous glands and bacteria build up in the hair follicle. The other cause is dirt and irritant build up on the skin from wearing tight and heave clothing. The last main cause of acne is not taking care of skin. This last cause results form taking too hot of showers for too long, scrubbing all the essential oils off the skin, extended sun exposure, and lack of moisture from drying off after showering or washing face.
Here are some great ways to solve these problems. For one, if you fall into the adolescent years and have heightened sebaceous gland activity, it is important to make sure to stay very clean and it might be necessary to look into some good acne treatments. Find something that allows you to clean the skin and get rid of all the dirt clogged in your pores. The overactive sebaceous glands is not the direct cause. The real cause is bacteria on the hair follicle that feeds of the sebum produced by sebaceous glands. This wreaks havoc on the skin, but the bottom line is, if you keep pores clean and moisturized properly, there will be no problem.
As for wearing tight clothing, just try to wear lose clothes and if you have to wear a sweat shirt or coat, make sure to take it off once your indoors. It is good to keep good ventilation on all parts of the skin. Additionally, make an attempt to not put a lot of pressure on certain parts of the skin for too long. This can get more dirt clogged in pores and acne springs from this bacteria in the dirt.
In the realm of showering, just try to make sure that your using luke warm water while you bathe so that helpful oils on the skin don’t all get ripped off. Also, when your done showering or rinsing your face, try to blot or pat at the skin with your towel instead of rubbing all the water off. This helps retain helpful moisture that the skin needs.
If all of these things are still not working, it may be a good idea to look into some acne products. There are a lot of products out there that claim to cure acne but make sure to do your homework on any product. The ones that use natural ingredients can be very helpful with little to no harmful side effects.