Monthly Archives: July 2011

Question: Is Sugar the Main Cause of Acne Pimples?

For many people, it has been well established that sugar is one of the most important substances to avoid for good health. Some people have even begun to think of pure cane sugar as healthy simply because it’s better than highly-processed sources of sugar like high fructose corn syrup and others. But the truth is […]

The Perfect Solution to Acne

Over the years I have treated every possible type of congested skin (acne) with every possible product and modality. I have watched many people clear with protocols that are all very similar. Some people however, didn’t seem to clear no matter what we did. The products that seemed to be most successful usually dried and […]

A Few Things To Try For Acne

If your acne is not very severe you may be able to try some of the following acne treatments to see if they help alleviate your pimple problem before purchasing the Acne No More Program. Enjoy! Below are several acne solutions that can help your acne however please be advised that you should test a […]