Is blue light for acne treatment right for your acne problem? The quest for a perfect acne treatment goes on as many people around the world still suffer from these problems. If you have some acne issues, don’t feel left out and focus on finding a reliable solution. If you do a bit of research, […]
April 27, 2011 – 10:47 am
I’ve had to struggle with acne since I was about 13 years old as do many teenagers. At one point it was so bad I was taking a prescription to help rid myself of these unsightly blemishes! Still to this day I have random break outs. It’s great to read how you can help yourself […]
April 26, 2011 – 10:08 am
Stress from acne is very common, no matter what age you are and what sex, acne has a big toll on the stress that happens a round you. No matter what there is not really a real way to cure this stress when you are out there, all you can do is try and lessen […]
Healthy skin tips are really healthy living tips. If our body is healthy, our skin should be healthy. What do we need to do to be healthy? I think most of us know the answer: eat mostly healthy food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. This will result in a healthy body. Pretty simple really, […]
April 22, 2011 – 10:25 am
For just about every affliction known to man there are myths that circulate concerning their possible remedies. The best way to get rid of a pimple is not exempt. Your grandma may have said something like “put some butter on it.” Now I don’t think you would ever do that, but there are some rumors […]
Acne treatments are expensive and often ineffective. So, if you’re looking to try a home remedy for zits as part of your overall treatment plan, I have a few suggestions for you. Before we begin, I would like to add that it is possible to cure your acne. Yes, I said cure your acne and […]
April 18, 2011 – 12:39 am
Acne is a complex and complicated medical condition that affects millions of people all over the world on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the solutions for acne problems aren’t a one size fits all. Like any other medical condition the best treatment options are the ones that address the cause of the problem and not just […]
Removing blackheads can be an awkward and difficult process, especially if you try to do it with your fingertips or a tissue. Thankfully, there are several tools you can use to help with blackhead extraction. In order to protect your skin as much as possible, only extract the blackhead after it has visibly burst out […]
We would like to think that once we move past being teenagers that the acne goes away. Not so, I am afraid. For me, it came back when I hit thirty and then again when I was pregnant both times. Because I was pregnant, I had to be careful what I used. I was not […]
Finding out how to get rid of a pimple fast isn’t hard. It’s actually picking your remedy of choice and getting rid of it that’s the real snafu. But not to worry, getting rid of your pimples isn’t that hard with the right help. These aren’t just some acne tricks I pulled randomly out of […]